Saturday 10 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New year! Although it is days late but that's how it is with me these days! With 2 children under 2 and a half I don't get as much done as I want to which is very frustrating!
2014 was very good for me.... The main excitement was of course our new baby boy Henry, he is gorgeous a bit more demanding than his big sister was at this age and doesn't sleep through the night yet but still a joy! Molly is now 2 and starting to be very funny, she is currently obsessed with Peppa Pig and had lots of PP for Christmas! She seems to have accepted Hayo as she likes to call her little brother and likes to give him cuddles and asks everyday to bath him!
My blog took a backseat last year , I'm not very good at being pregnant (thankfully that's all over - no more for me 2 is enough) and had hideous morning sickness again but I'm hoping that 2015 will see me blogging more.
I'm loving the village baking club and have a few more posts to share. Also I got a sewing machine for Christmas so may start blogging some sewing projects if they are any good!! I'm starting a beginners sewing course in a few weeks which I am really excited about as you can bring your babies with you!
I don't really do Resolutions but in 2015 I would like to do some craft projects - make some clothes for Molly - read more books - enter blogging challenges and take more time to work on my blog!
lets see how that goes......

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